Pete and Laz

Pete and Laz
Yeah, Pete it's rough...but it's a runner.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Dirtquake 2015 has been announced in the UK....

Sideburn Magazine has announced this years "Dirtquake" ...July 17-18. If you reside on that side of the  'big pond' should check it out.  Dirtquake US will be announced as they secure dates for it at the track on this side of the 'pond'....which means I need to get busy and work on my little 'racer'.

Chris Thornley is the graphic artist who designed this poster, and if you do Instagram you can see more of his stuff  at 'raid71'.

                                       Some snaps from DirtQuake US 2014

Travis and Mike checking out Ben on a 350 Honda Chopper Class bike...

The Electric Brammo...which I hear will be back....

SeeSee's Pizza Trike....more toppings perhaps....?

Monday, February 9, 2015

January Fog has become February least for several days...

Rummaging around for motorcycle parts, and came across a box of old's one of Pete (the fellow this blog is named in memory of...) when he was still a growing lad. As usual straining at his climbing harness...the one a friend of mine sewed up from climbing webbing and actual rappel rings. This is sometime in the 90's...hard to believe...over twenty years ago. Found Pete when he was a starving abandoned pup...near death...nursed him back to health, and he hung around for seven years...and was pretty much a constant companion...even riding to work with me every night for several years in my various sidecar rigs. The harness was very handy for that...I had to carabiner his butt down to the sidecar he wouldn't try jumping in my lap.  Yeah...good ol' Pete...I found the harness the other day...looking worse for wear...suppose I kept it , thinking I'd someday have another dog...guess I'm still waiting for one to find me...

No bike stuff this post...but I did put up some automobile pics at my other blog, that is in the 'blog list' to the right. Back to rummaging.